Last term all of the class chose what they wanted to do for Inquiry next term.The class chose five different subjects and we came up with these, Child Care ,Cooking, Guitar , Mechanic and Animal group. In term two we all chose what group we wanted to be in. Olivia,Paige, Esha and I, all chose the Childcare Group. It was finally term 2. We started our journey in week 4. Mrs Griffiths brought her two little boys in, Hunter and Connor. They where so cute. In week 6 and 7 Mrs McMauley brought her baby girl Briarlee into our classroom. She was so cute . The reason why she brought her in is because Connor and Hunter were really sick. This is what has happened so far. Next week we are visiting BarnYard. I would like to thank Mrs Griffes and Mrs McMauley and Mr Duncan Thank You. By Summer